Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend of July 11, 2008

  • Baby swallows have left the nest. Five babies. Three parents!
  • Black and white checkered bird spotted in elderberry bush, next to house barn.
  • Blackberries are ripe.
  • Picked ripe peas
  • Thinned out the beets
  • Put the last rafter on the barn roof. Now ready for strapping.
  • Bought a sawmill attachment--not used yet.
  • Found dead fish on the beach--carp?
  • Marc built a work table for his ax.
  • Left Monday morning.
  • Ordered Stihl Kombi trimmer.
  • Did oil change on the Polaris ATV
  • Kevin gave Marc a power washer--not working.
  • Found female Blandings turtle on the road on the way to the beach. Brought home in the cooler and released her to the pond.
  • Grant/Denise visited in Cadillac
  • Big poplar sphinx moth near the water pump.
  • Saw gray tree frog.
  • Found a hydrometer in the barn.
  • Scarlet runner beans are flowering.
  • Ordered service manual and toolkit for Polaris ATV.
  • Snapping turtle we released into the pond was sunning himself in the middle of the "road" leading to the trailers.

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